Sale Overview


In order to track the performance of the company, Sale Overview is one of the key factor in determining the success. This dashboard was designed to show

  • Number of sales throughout years
  • Sales by Product Category
  • Sales and Budget amount per month
  • Sales by Customer Location
  • Sales by Product Name
  • Filterd by Year, Months, Customers' location, Sales' category, Category, Products' Name

SQL Code

Queries used for Tableau Project
-- 1. 

Select SUM(new_cases) as total_cases, SUM(cast(new_deaths as int)) as total_deaths, SUM(cast(new_deaths as int))/SUM(New_Cases)*100 as DeathPercentage
From PortfolioProject..Covid_Death$
--Where location like '%states%'
where continent is not null 
--Group By date
order by 1,2

-- Just a double check based off the data provided
-- numbers are extremely close so we will keep them - The Second includes "International"  Location

--Select SUM(new_cases) as total_cases, SUM(cast(new_deaths as int)) as total_deaths, SUM(cast(new_deaths as int))/SUM(New_Cases)*100 as DeathPercentage
--From PortfolioProject..CovidDeaths
----Where location like '%states%'
--where location = 'World'
----Group By date
--order by 1,2

-- 2. 

-- We take these out as they are not inluded in the above queries and want to stay consistent
-- European Union is part of Europe

Select location, SUM(cast(new_deaths as int)) as TotalDeathCount
From PortfolioProject..Covid_Death$
--Where location like '%states%'
Where continent is null 
and location not in ('World', 'European Union', 'International')
Group by location
order by TotalDeathCount desc

-- 3.

Select Location, Population, MAX(total_cases) as HighestInfectionCount,  Max((total_cases/population))*100 as PercentPopulationInfected
From PortfolioProject..Covid_Death$
--Where location like '%states%'
Group by Location, Population
order by PercentPopulationInfected desc

-- 4.

Select Location, Population,date, MAX(total_cases) as HighestInfectionCount,  Max((total_cases/population))*100 as PercentPopulationInfected
From PortfolioProject..Covid_Death$
--Where location like '%states%'
Group by Location, Population, date
order by PercentPopulationInfected desc

-- Queries I originally had, but excluded some
-- Here only in case you want to check them out

-- 1.

Select dea.continent, dea.location,, dea.population
, MAX(vac.total_vaccinations) as RollingPeopleVaccinated
--, (RollingPeopleVaccinated/population)*100
From PortfolioProject..Covid_Death$ dea
Join PortfolioProject..Covid_Vaccination$ vac
	On dea.location = vac.location
	and =
where dea.continent is not null 
group by dea.continent, dea.location,, dea.population
order by 1,2,3

-- 2.
Select SUM(new_cases) as total_cases, SUM(cast(new_deaths as int)) as total_deaths, SUM(cast(new_deaths as int))/SUM(New_Cases)*100 as DeathPercentage
From PortfolioProject..Covid_Death$
--Where location like '%states%'
where continent is not null 
--Group By date
order by 1,2

-- Just a double check based off the data provided
-- numbers are extremely close so we will keep them - The Second includes "International"  Location

--Select SUM(new_cases) as total_cases, SUM(cast(new_deaths as int)) as total_deaths, SUM(cast(new_deaths as int))/SUM(New_Cases)*100 as DeathPercentage
--From PortfolioProject..CovidDeaths
----Where location like '%states%'
--where location = 'World'
----Group By date
--order by 1,2

-- 3.

-- We take these out as they are not inluded in the above queries and want to stay consistent
-- European Union is part of Europe

Select location, SUM(cast(new_deaths as int)) as TotalDeathCount
From PortfolioProject..Covid_Death$
--Where location like '%states%'
Where continent is null 
and location not in ('World', 'European Union', 'International')
Group by location
order by TotalDeathCount desc

-- 4.

Select Location, Population, MAX(total_cases) as HighestInfectionCount,  Max((total_cases/population))*100 as PercentPopulationInfected
From PortfolioProject..Covid_Death$
--Where location like '%states%'
Group by Location, Population
order by PercentPopulationInfected desc

-- 5.

--Select Location, date, total_cases,total_deaths, (total_deaths/total_cases)*100 as DeathPercentage
--From PortfolioProject..CovidDeaths
----Where location like '%states%'
--where continent is not null 
--order by 1,2

-- took the above query and added population
Select Location, date, population, total_cases, total_deaths
From PortfolioProject..Covid_Death$
--Where location like '%states%'
where continent is not null 
order by 1,2

-- 6. 

With PopvsVac (Continent, Location, Date, Population, New_Vaccinations, RollingPeopleVaccinated)
Select dea.continent, dea.location,, dea.population, vac.new_vaccinations
, SUM(CONVERT(int,vac.new_vaccinations)) OVER (Partition by dea.Location Order by dea.location, dea.Date) as RollingPeopleVaccinated
--, (RollingPeopleVaccinated/population)*100
From PortfolioProject..Covid_Death$ dea
Join PortfolioProject..Covid_Vaccination$ vac
	On dea.location = vac.location
	and =
where dea.continent is not null 
--order by 2,3
Select *, (RollingPeopleVaccinated/Population)*100 as PercentPeopleVaccinated
From PopvsVac

-- 7. 

Select Location, Population,date, MAX(total_cases) as HighestInfectionCount,  Max((total_cases/population))*100 as PercentPopulationInfected
From PortfolioProject..Covid_Death$
--Where location like '%states%'
Group by Location, Population, date
order by PercentPopulationInfected desc